Coming up with the perfect roast song for your singing telegram!

Most singing telegrams involve an already-existing song request, but some clients request customized lyrics that either tell a story/message or “roast” the gift recipient. About half the time they have us do the composing, but there are also times clients decide to take this on as their own creative project. 

When writing a song of your own...

Start with the base song; a familiar melody…its IMPERATIVE that this be a song you know well so that the rhythms and lyrics are easy to convert. Think simple and catchy...

Make a list about the message you wish to deliver / person you want us to honor or roast. Make sure the details are detailed!  

For example: He is a funny person or he loves to eat is not enough to really work with.  

However, here are some things that would be great inside of a song:

He has to back into garages and parking spots

eats so much dessert that he has to undo his belt 

wears the same old good luck shirt to every game, then his team always loses 

Here's one sample verse of lyrics created for a newly engaged New Jersey woman who wanted a Singing Telegram from The Telegram Girl to announce the good news:

To the melody of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean:  

Jessie Smith was just my boyfriend  

Now he’s the guy that says that I am the one  

And our wedding plans have begun 

Of course her family was shocked and thrilled!

Customized singing telegrams are mostly funny / roasts but some are designed to be more sweet, for example something you would want said to a great-grandmother turning 90. In these cases, try and come up with as many bits and pieces of memories that you know which will of course result in smiles and happy tears.  

Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to work on this since writers block can happen, and should you need help from us on composition, give us an email call or text with information to get us started on your customized singing telegram masterpiece :-) 

The Telegram Girl performs live in Philly, South Eastern Pennsylvania, Wilmington, New Jersey, Staten Island, Brooklyn and virtually throughout the world!


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